Doctor Lift Mother’s Day Mommy Makeover Edition

Catch all new episodes of Doctor Lift starring Dr. Garo Kassabian of Lift MD Aesthetics®  this Mother’s Day for an inside look on the Mommy Makeover.

Every Sunday
8:30 pm PST on
Channel 20, 21, 29, 31, 57.8, 485 or 600
Also streaming live at:


Every Tuesday and Thursday
9pm PST on
Channel 695
Also streaming live at:

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210


Mommy Makeover with Vaginal Rejuvenation

Take control of your body and look the way you did before your bundle of joy arrived. A Mommy Makeover with Vaginal Rejuvenation may be just what you need to regain your physique.
Mommy Makeover by Dr. Garo Kassabian may consist of a Tummy Tuck, a Breast Augmentation with a lift, reduction or implant and possible liposuction in troublesome areas. Your Tummy Tuck will help to reduce excess, sagging skin on the abdomen and tighten your torso for a more youthful and athletic physique. Many women experience a loss of volume in their breasts, especially after breast feeding. A breast augmentation will help to create a more proportionate decollete for a more balanced silhouette overall. Additionally, liposuction to areas such as the inner and outer thighs as well as the hips and rear will finish off your mommy makeover for a more taught, and svelte appearance.
Vaginal Rejuvenation, along with your Mommy Makeover can be the final step on your road to a more youthful figure. Dr. Kassabian’s specialized team can help you achieve the body you had before the baby. Click HERE to read more about Vaginal Rejuvenation.
If you think you may be a candidate, or would like to explore your options please contact Lift MD Aesthetics and schedule a consultation.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210


Ask Dr K: What is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

More and more women ask me about Vaginal Rejuvenation and what exactly that means. The first thing I explain to these patients is that it is actually a very common procedure that we perform on many women who wish to feel like they did before they give birth, after massive weight loss or for genetic reasons.
Vaginal rejuvenation, or vaginoplasty, is a procedure designed to tighten the vagina and remove any excess skin. There are several methods that can be employed, depending on each case. If you think you may be a candidate for a vaginal rejuvenation, Dr. Kassabian will work with you to develop the best plan for your particular concerns.
For more information about Vaginal Rejuvenation, please contact Lift MD Aesthetics to schedule a consultation.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210


Mother’s Day Gift That Keeps on Giving


With Mother’s Day just around the corner why not give some of the special mommy’s in your life a solution to what most women hate most: cellulite! It’s time to banish the appearance of cellulite with this amazing two-step system. The Cellufirm Contouring Serum and Contouring Creme are perfect at-home treatments for reducing cellulite.

The first step in your cellulite eliminating routine is the Cellufirm Contouring Serum.   This serum is a non-oily body contouring gel which is fantastic for reducing the appearance of cellulite. Vegetable extract, chamomile and ginko biloba help to soothe the skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite while keeping skin soft and smoothing it out.  For optimal results, follow the serum with The Cellufirm Crème.   The luxurious crème is made of a formula that is infused with European botanical extracts, which help purify and invigorate skin for better circulation and help reduce the appearance of cellulite as well.

Don’t beat yourself up looking for the perfect gift. Get these doctor formulated products and more at Lift MD Aesthetics or shop online now.

Lift MD Aesthetics® by Dr. Garo Kassabian

436 N. Bedford Dr. Suite 301 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210
